We provide a printed Statistics Collection on Level 5, opposite the Information Point. The collection includes serials and books covering a wide range of social science topics.
To find the shelf mark of a specific title, search the Library Catalogue.
A wide range of downloadable and easy-to-access statistics displayed in charts and graphs to support a diverse range of social, economic, health and sport-related topics.
• Access to 1 million statistics - ready to use in PPT, XLS and PNG formats.
• PowerPoint dossiers on 3000 of the most searched-for topics such as online gaming, e-commerce, car sharing and organic food markets.
• Five year revenue forecasts on 42 countries and 400 industries.
• Industry reports (USA-focused) including SWOT analyses and forecasts.
Graphs of global social, health and economic data.
Coverage includes life expectancy, average income, poverty rates, smoking prevalence, alcohol consumption, death rates, government shares of health spending, economic growth, numbers of internet users, imports of goods/services, imports/exports, trade balances and self-employment. You can control graphs to compare data between specific countries over a period of time - click on 'visualize' to view these.
UK & global coverage: social and economic data (including longitudinal data).
Coverage includes the British Crime Survey, British Household Panel Survey, General Household Survey, Labour Force Survey and the World Bank's data. Further content includes the British Cohort Study, International Social Survey Programme, Millennium Cohort Study, National Statistics Time Series and statistics from the IMF and IEA (International Energy Agency). To access some data, you need to log in/register with UK Data Service. Some datasets restrict access e.g. where commercial usage might be sought, permission could be required or sponsoring organisations may vet publications.
Guides to accessing/requesting current and previous UK census data. Note: censuses have been published every 10 years since 1801 with the exception of 1941.
Microdata, and aggregate, boundary and flow data, drawn from UK census returns. Coverage: mostly 1981 onwards (some 1961+). For definitions of these categories, refer to the following guide:
Coverage: reports, news, forecasts and data on industries and markets; provided at the level of individual sectors, countries, companies and products.
Data/analytics include macroeconomics, pricing, advertising, packaging, consumers, social media influence, patents, cybersecurity and geopolitics. Sectors include tobacco, beverages, food, healthcare, clothing, electricals and others. To contact the helpdesk, click the down arrow in the top menu (next to the green search button).
Advertising articles, case studies, videos, news and data. Interactive data covers advertising spend and media costs and consumption.
• Articles from numerous sources including Admap, Forum for Advertising Research, International Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Advertising Research. • Advertising case studies searchable by industry sector, target audience and media used. • Global Adspend Database covering 90 markets with data for newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, cinema, 'out of home' and internet. • Global Media Costs provides a database of comparable costs for 63 markets allowing analyses across markets, media, target audiences and time periods.